Maybe it's just my area of interest or the forum I am on, but holy shit.. people's fear of failing or "going down a wrong path" is rocketing off the scale.

Not a day goes by someone is asking for "the best X" where X could be a language, dev platform, book on a language, or flavor of kolache. Follow up questions to bring context always end up with people in a huff that "if they knew they wouldn't ask"... and that "they just don't want to go down a bad path".. or "I am in a rush".

I just read a guy's post who was asking how good a youtube programming series might be (for him) and ended with "But I'm been thinking about this for day's without really getting an conclusion.".

Seriously -

You sat around a whole day waiting for someone to respond and just thinking about this when you could have spent an eighth of the time just checking out the god damn video yourself? Are you kidding me?

Then there are the people who "Want to go into programming - which class path should I go?" and one path is CLEARLY development orientated while the other is almost pure NETWORKING! This is just the tip of the iceberg on dumbasses who want random strangers to pick their curriculum because, god forbid, they pick a class that might not be useful to what ever job situation they are being dumped into five years down the line... and that, bit surprise here, when directed to talk to their school councilors they freak out. It's the guidance councilors's JAY-OH-BEE FOR FUCK'S SAKE!

Here's a better idea - don't ask the councilors.. don't ask the internet... do some f'n quantitative research yourself! Shit.. that class on COBOL not work out like you wanted? well you should be programming some c# in your off time. Not every class will be some resume fluff..

What? You have two choices for a book to buy and cannot decide? GO TO THE DAMN AMAZON ITEM PAGE AND READ THOSE REVIEWS! Make a discrete choice once in your life. Compare the age of the book.. the reviews... and the indexes. It's not that damn hard.

I get crowd-sourcing some information, but shit by that time you should have had a pretty solid understanding of which way you will lean. If you don't then it becomes a point where YOUR time is more valuable than mine and that *I* should know what is important to you and your world.

I am thinking I might start spiking my 'advice' for those people down the wrong path just so they can learn what it might smell like going down the less optimal trail and what learning can happen when they do so.

Christ.. be less of a pussy and strike out. What? GPS doesn't have batteries? Well tough shit. Aww.. you are concerned you might not learn some "best way" of going? Has it ever occurred to you that 'best way' doesn't apply to everyone?

I just want to start kicking people in the boinloins (or suitable female analog) then kicking them out a door into that cruel world of.. *gasp* decision making.

... just one aspect of the world that is grinding my gears today...