A user was causing all sorts of ruckus yesterday in our exception log. I noticed one of her issues was she couldn't open a screen and tried from every conceivable other screen to open it. No such luck - a null value constraint where table A has a foreign key constraint on table B.... suddenly table A has data deleted but fails to mark the rows in table B.. so when the data is reloaded B can't match up to rows in A and hell breaks loose.

I had support give her a jingle (I can't call her directly - protocol!) and she comes back with "Nope.. everything is hunky dory here!". I could only say "LIAR! Your pants are surely on fire!". I go down to support and explain (and show them) what's up - waving off her other questions to them about deleting something out of this system or another and press upon them that she can't access part of the system and we need her to cop to that so we can put a request in to have me data fix it.


What does it take for a man to HELP his customers/users before he throws his hands up and say "damn if I didn't warn ya!".