The Fremont gun show was highly entertaining and slightly amazing in terms of sheer volume of weapons, people, and mossey-oak clothing. Fucking huge I would say.

The trip consisted of: my buddy Bruce, my Uncle, and my uncle's grandson. Being the slightly more prepared individual I had to buy two tickets.. to the gun show (one for me and Baaaruce). For some reason I thought of Ross when I said to the lady handing out tickets "AH.. yeah.. I need two tickets *pause* to the gun show. I giggled.

The amount of commerce being done, haggling, and bartering was unprecedented. People walking around with guns and giant 'for sale' tags on them.. tables of awesome hand guns.. and of course WWII paraphernalia. I was tempted to buy a 'out the front' switch blade (Video seen here:, but thought I could spend a hundred bucks else where. Bruce found his spring action knife (which he broke), but opted against getting it. instead we left, went to the ATM to get some cash (cash only at this joint).. and all he ended up buying was a WWII 2 deutch mark... with a swastika on it. I dubbed it his "nazi coin".

A great two hour jaunt if I say so (and I do).