It's preposterously cold outside. Bubbie was not liking the start up nor the drive to work. Hopefully they day is sunny and she soaks up the rays.

Last night was quite odd.. Anna (new character to the blog?) was giddy-go-lucky, but was viciously opposed to watching 'The Shining'. I was crowing that it was the best movie to watch during white out and wintery conditions... she was having none of it. After doing some of the books she walks over to the only other people in the bar: Skyybox-crazy-deb (SCD) and her husband. SCD's back story is long, but suffice to say she has been known to talk to her self, has a handfull of master degrees, and doesn't like my flippant attitude when she strikes up a conversation about what ever. A nice lady actually - just a bit off axis.

I am unsure of exactly how the conversation laid out but anna comes back to my side of the bar hides behind the tv, and starts freaking out with guffaws of silent laughter. I thought perhaps a blood clot dislodged and intercepted a ticklish spot, but no.. not really. She finally calms down long enough to whisper that what ever they said was fucking hilaroius. Some more silent doubled-over-laughter (I was certain she was going to squeel but didn't), and she composes herself to go see how their drinks were going. She comes back again with something else strange and was about three shades of red.

Time passes, ice melts, and SCD and hubbie were making towards the door.. where they stopped and did a little dance or waltz. Ooookay. I was more intrigued by the elevator full of blood in the Shining. Eventually they make their way out and Anna sprints to the door to get everything locked up. She comes back and collapses on the bar laughing in a fit of crazy titters. I guess the first go around SCD was having her foot up on the bar and it was being admired by her husband. I guess that set Anna off. The 'three shades of red' was when one of the pair made a thinly veiled ennuendo regarding a three-some. I of course said she should have mentioned something.. I would have excused myself and would not have totally cockblocked that adventure. All I got in response was "ewwwwww".

Gotta love strange people.