A bit of background here.. Two christmases ago.. (2007) my middle sister buys me Lacoste: Por Homme. Great stuff. My goto cologne when Nautica just isn't cutting it. Fast forward to this christmas - she buys me Lacoste Red. This is some serious pimp shit folks. I had to go online to see what exactly it was distilled from and I was suprised. Stellar scent.

Come read my Marco Polo-esque adventures for new smells.

Now I am in a bind. This last weekend I noticed my usual bevy of smells has dwindled over the year or so. I grab my jacket and head out into the cold to Gordmons which usually has what I am looking for on the cheap. Nope. Not this time. At best I picked up some aftershave, and on a whim I snagged a bottle of some Adidas stuff. Big mistake. Yesterday it caused a pounding headache while at work, and I was twitching constantly thinking some popped-collar-douchebag was about knock me out for dancing with his broad. Needless to say I chucked the bottle when I got home.

I am still in a minor bind over where to get some new scents and after consulting my youngest sister she recommended "Perfume Palace" at the mall. It's run by pershians or indians and is wall to wall cologne.


I get over there last night and spy Lacoste - Essentials (aka "Green"). Bingo.. that's my horse! I wasn't quite aware how expensive purchasing real 'toliet water' was, but it was quite worth it. This is pimp like the Red, but more of a chill pimp. Red was more aggressive pimp. God that sounded quite retarded, but oh well. It's out there. Now I have an addiction to Lacoste and I can either blame or thank my sisters.

I hope they come out with a Blue bottle by next christmas!

woot for pimp smells!