17/12: Mired in the mud..
Lo, Gawd doth spoke to Zebedius, begot of Jacob, begot of Larry, half sister to Gina of Jersey, and second cousin to Tim the Retard. "Does not thee see my pimp hand half raised? Doth ye not knoweth when my pimp hand is fully raised there is only one way it comes down?".
Zebedius, having just arisen from restless slumber next to a savage on the cold shores of Lake Titicaca, responded "Bra, do you know what time-eth it is?".
Gawd thus responded "Repent now before it is too late and you get five across the eye!"
Zebedius inquired to Gawd, "Art thou joking?".
Gawd was displeased and totally put that bitch back into pocket. He put him into pocket so hard that Zebedius children's children could not pop their collars and thus were banished from the sweet clubs for three generations. Life was lame.
Zebedius, having just arisen from restless slumber next to a savage on the cold shores of Lake Titicaca, responded "Bra, do you know what time-eth it is?".
Gawd thus responded "Repent now before it is too late and you get five across the eye!"
Zebedius inquired to Gawd, "Art thou joking?".
Gawd was displeased and totally put that bitch back into pocket. He put him into pocket so hard that Zebedius children's children could not pop their collars and thus were banished from the sweet clubs for three generations. Life was lame.