Fun story - for the last two nights I haven't been home any time earlier than 11.30pm...

Tuesday night was an awesome impromptu baseball game with Pops and Connie. I am not going to lie - I was certain the tight turn around was going to be the failure of that event. The game at 7.. I am getting out of work by 5.15 - head home, turn around, and go back the opposite direction to hit downtown to find parking, Dad, and get into the game... but the stars were aligned and we made it in. Granted there was a guy between the seats it and the game was boring as all get out (I mean serially - all you could muster was a 2-1 game?!), but the night was just right and the for Pete's sake I am at the game with Dad!

Heh.. just the low roar of the crowd, the constant hum of activity, and the folks around us was great. The three hour game just blew by. Though being I was sans dinner I wandered off to go get a foot long braut with kraut. Not bad, but it was better when I was eating my red snow cone.

I did have to take pause and do a double take before getting lost in the crowds - damn ingrained behavior of not wandering a park unsupervised sort of lost the statute of limitations after I became wookie sized.

As it was that made yesterday go by in a super duper chipper mood. What Exchange Server-Man? You "didn't" drop the box and the hard drive isn't booting up? Fair enough I can furnish lists of data as I have it. What? Irrational problems and hectic emails? No problem.. totes fix all of that.

Then the local chapter of 'Beer and Code' were at my bar last night - so I figure it would be neighborly to pop in after work and see how those guys are doing .. well that hour trip turned in to about four or five. Ugh that was a moderately bad idea because this morning came quickly, but it was over all a super big thumbs up. Fun guys (even without a laptop), and it was non stop shop talk and problem solving.

I ducked dinner with pops tonight so I can get to recabling my system after installing the Hyper 212 EVO.... mmmmmmm... low low thermals!

Then it's definitely gym class. I am starting to look more disgusting than usual.