As with every summer season the "Battle for Dominance of the Crack" takes place between me and a colony of ants. Some years it's big black ants.. some it's small brown ants.. sometimes it's funny reddish medium ones that hiss and spit mulberry juice. Either way the typical pattern emerges.. it's gets wet or super humid.. they seek higher ground and swarm across my patio to the crack between the foundation and the patio. After a few days of industrious work clearing out the debris and dirt I get tired of it and prepare for a fight.

I happened to catch them before they were too far set in and was able to dust off my can of raid. The poor buggers didn't have a chance and when I got home it was an effective massacre of little corpses everywhere. Well, almost everywhere. There were two lone ants four or five feet apart wandering around. This is probably the point where I should have destroyed them as well before they find a plucky band of mismatched, but skilled, members and lay siege to me leading to my untimely demise.


Shit.. I should have done that instead of sweeping them off the patio with the rest of the debris.