I decided to head out for a Bomb Dig's "Porchetta Sandwich" on a whim for lunch today. So far nothing catastrophic has occurred with my move and I figured this bomb ass weather deserves to be recognized. Off to 72nd and Dodge I went. This being my first food truck run ever I was a little apprehensive about how to order. The nice lady in the truck greeted me warmly, didn't crack a joke on my pronunciation of "poor-chetta" or "porche-etta", and even thew in my name as she handed me my food. I nomm'ed in the shadow of Borders (sad of sorts) while listening to Rush Limbah on 1110AM. A damn tastey sandwich if I have ever had one for lunch (it makes my turkey sandwich look like a chump or sucker in comparison). The bun/roll was big and coated with something tasty. Nice greens for lettuce, something crunchy between the greens and my meat, and the porkloin was stellar. Not too dry.. just enough bacon.. over all good.

Crunchy things - are porkrinds chicarones? Could be. Either way a good meal for seven-fifty. I may have to swing by sometime and have taht chicken/tortilla/poblano/apple coleslaw another day.

Kudos to you Bomb Digs... I love your graphics on your truck.