27/09: Lab-a-licious coat!
Ha-cha-cha-cha... I am still on the fence about this lab coat. I figured I would sleep on the idea (more like pass out on it but who's measuring the rum?) and this morning I am still highly interested but trying to find a decent reason to *NOT* do this. I mean I found a three inch Global Dynamics patch I can totally iron on to it when I get it... assuming I have an iron. I am certain Pops does.
When I get my lab coat then maybe the legal lunch folk will respect me and welcome me as their peer.... hmm.. though I would want to not get Romeoes.. er.. I mean Fernandos sauce on my coat of science!
Right now it's good 63-37 split (with a 2% variance) leaning towards getting it.
When I get my lab coat then maybe the legal lunch folk will respect me and welcome me as their peer.... hmm.. though I would want to not get Romeoes.. er.. I mean Fernandos sauce on my coat of science!
Right now it's good 63-37 split (with a 2% variance) leaning towards getting it.