A few notes.. will clean up later.

Hit the jump..

I want to install: eclipse adt plugin..

Do do that I must install:
ADT needs android sdk
1. First install the Java SE Dev Kit (JDK) below.
2. After installing let it run to get the avd manager and what not going.. I left all the default options selected
3. I rebooted for good measure since Eclipse has an odd functionality after wards.

android sdk needs java se dev kit (jdk)

I started with running the basic tutorial..

Things to note from said tutorial:

class is based on the Activity class. An Activity is a single application entity that is used to perform actions. An application may have many separate activities, but the user interacts with them one at a time.

The onCreate() method will be called by the Android system when your Activity starts — it is where you should perform all initialization and UI setup.

An Android user interface is composed of hierarchies of objects called Views. A View is a drawable object used as an element in your UI layout, such as a button, image, or (in this case) a text label.

These XML layout files belong in the res/layout/ directory of your project.

In addition to layout files, resources also include assets such as images, sounds, and localized strings.

The Eclipse plugin automatically creates one of these layout files for you: main.xml. In the "Hello World" application you just completed, this file was ignored and you created a layout programmatically.

you should almost always define your layout in an XML file instead of in your code.

- If you stopped downloading packages from the Android SDK - make sure to rerun the app in 'admin' mode or you'll get "access denied" warnings.

- Try and not run your android app as 2.2 - stick with 1.5. It's faster and been around longer.

- If you are running your app in the AVD and all you see is "A N D R O I D" - give it time. Really it take a long time to boot. You should get a nice shiny graphic or virtual phone thingy.

Through a bit of finagling I got the tablet to show up in Eclipse and was able to run the app easy cheesey! Score!