11/04: Interesting... so you say this is called a treadmill?
So I have decided this year's new exercise is going to be that damn treadmill at the gym. A bit of apprehension when I got on.. a bit of confusion of what buttons to push.. but once I got going it wasn't too bad.. in fact after the first 1/10th of a mile I got over the initial hump and into a decent groove... I opted to power walk this one.. 22 minutes for a mile. Not a bad start.... it's has to being somewhere. The only issue would be when I got off it felt lie my body was still moving though I was standing still. Some sort of displacement dealio. It wore off after I got a drink of water and walked to Bubbie.
After I get my groove with this power walking it will be time to kick the pace up.
After I get my groove with this power walking it will be time to kick the pace up.