
You are currently viewing archive for October 2013

2013.10.10 (14:33): Really? Paranoid much?

Category: Work
Posted by: modi123
BossMan swings by to have me load the latest test android file onto the Nexus 7.. then stops and asks me ("in general terms") 'how do I load up an app.. you know.. I guess I should probably learn how'.. ah.. what? Am I reading too far into this about being kicked to the curb tomorrow or is this some sort of hint?!

Eeesh.. I need more sleep and maybe dial back the per-cursor panic attacks.

2013.10.07 (15:22): Petulance rising..

Category: Work
Posted by: modi123
After spending MORE time this weekend sketching out some ideas (*MY* ideas) for how to incorporate this acronym into my existing poster they were all, once again, rejected in favor of doing this banner things. Grrrr... I get it.. You really really really want to encourage me to believe a banner was my idea and my addition, but it's not. Treasure chests, engraved rocks, hot air balloons, etc were my idea.. and the instance of using _their_ idea is making me want to push back more against it.

*deep breath* let's not have a art-teeest temper tantrum... not today.. not at work.. about work.. to work.