16/06: Saving this one for historical awesomeness..
Over at Court's blog for CADRE
j Said:
on June 17, 2010 at 4:42 am
Indeed all of those negative are solved with two words: policy debate.
See, as a young pup I grew up doing hard earned research at UNO on the blessed-be program called Lexis-Nexis. I wrote cases for juvie-courts, renewable energy, russia, and china. Oh woe were the paper cuts.
I lugged around hug tubs of evidence to smash and beat my opponents arguments thus ensuring they were aware my research-enis was mightier than theirs. “Ha! Thought you knew all there was regarding inter-state compacts? Well you lose since my evidence is better qualified, more precise, and was published two hours ago!”. That’s about as much fun as doing the Karate Kid crane kick over and over and over again; without getting in trouble!
Yeah.. I was totally that kid…. a winner.
How does one motivate the kids to do the research? Easy – don’t accept websites, thrash children for citing wikipedia, and give them giant gavels for being the best speaker.