30/06: Things in motion..
A buddy of mine left a voice mail for me while I was in a meeting today. It seems after his second try he finally got into med school. Congrats is in order (as soon as I can get a minute to call him).
I am a bit confused on the time line.
He's 28 now.
+4 years for school-school.
+4 years for residency
+8ish years for specialization (neruo-whatcha-mah-hooze-it).
That's a lot of time. Here's a salute to his hopeful dedication to sticking with it for that long. I mean a BS in Chemistry and a JD took about seven years to get - what's another sixteen?
This of course presents an interesting option. A second mutual friend has been daydreaming of buying a house and having PreMed and I rent space from him. Hmm... the monetary saving versus living in the fortress of solitude. I'll see what the "savings" might be and weigh that against my enjoyable rut of being by myself. I have a funny feeling someone's going to get hurt feelings.
In other news I am somewhat shocked at that my biggest fan had not seen my presence on the not-myspace social network. I guess my BiggestFan doesn't check my Attorney's profile often enough.
I am a bit confused on the time line.
He's 28 now.
+4 years for school-school.
+4 years for residency
+8ish years for specialization (neruo-whatcha-mah-hooze-it).
That's a lot of time. Here's a salute to his hopeful dedication to sticking with it for that long. I mean a BS in Chemistry and a JD took about seven years to get - what's another sixteen?
This of course presents an interesting option. A second mutual friend has been daydreaming of buying a house and having PreMed and I rent space from him. Hmm... the monetary saving versus living in the fortress of solitude. I'll see what the "savings" might be and weigh that against my enjoyable rut of being by myself. I have a funny feeling someone's going to get hurt feelings.
In other news I am somewhat shocked at that my biggest fan had not seen my presence on the not-myspace social network. I guess my BiggestFan doesn't check my Attorney's profile often enough.
your Biggest Fan wrote: