I was mildly aware a buddy of mine on the Facebooks was having some issues with his mom. She was in the hospital, but then the updates stopped except for some third party site. It's not the first time someone's folks were in the medical industrial complex so I wasn't concerned.

That was, until last night.

I skimmed the facebook chatter and a name stuck out: Dr. Thorell. Ah.. wait.. what? I signed up for this caringbridge business to get the skinny. Yeah.. my bro (also a groom in a wedding I officiated a while back) - his mom was admitted for an aneurism. After reading the six pages of updates I lost quite a bit of feeling. It was like looking at a semi fictional account of something that happened four years ago except this time the flip of the coin landed that his mom survived the surgery but has lost quite a bit of neurological response.. well to be fair there was a large hit before the surgery and afterwards regression. She wasn't able to breathe on her own and will have a tentative six months to bring her up to some basic functioning skills.

My bro and I chatted on facebook - he had a million questions about what I went through, but generally about the fear and anxiety (at day 1 midlands told him she wouldn't survive the day.. then a quick life flight out to UNMC) of the whole process. Shit I haven't dealt with nor was planning on ever. He might be leaning on me for sometime since, as he put it, no one else (outside of his immediate family) has ever dealt with this besides me.

Hopefully tomorrow will be less numb for me than today.