17/05: Looting in the USA...
Apartment across the way, to the left of my back door, third floor. I guess they got evicted and since last Wednesday a ton of their shit is out on the back deck and out in the front of their door. A few rain storms later and I am taking a lap on my back porch trying to figure out where I need to edit my blog's php to get a call back link to the original post and I see two ladies rooting through the sodden refuse left. Odd I thought - they look mildly suspicious holding up things from inside boxes as if it were the first time. They dig through more stuff - shiftily looking around for watchers. Then they scurry off out of view towards the front of that building. Mkay... odd... oh wait.. what's that I see? The arm and black strap of one of the two flapping her arm to opening the locks on the door below her.. presumably her apartment. Yes folks I just watched two women root through some one else's evicted and left behind shit on this lovely Tuesday evening. Rock on USA rock on.