11/04: Lullz, gullz, and kittehz
Sony MDR-E829V Fontopia Earbuds are the only earbuds I want.. EVer. I have had a pair since back in the day of junior high or so when I had a discman. I have sampled others but always come back. Case in point - last week I was with some pain in the ass earbuds (Sony MDR-EX56LP), but after the first hour I couldn't take them. I had them loosly hanging form my ear bits. Ugh.. don't make me shove shit up in my ear Sony! Thank god amazon shipped me a new pair of MDR-E8229vs. My concern is BestBuy claims Sony doesn't make these any more. I call shenns, but I might stock up. You know hoard another ten or twelve sets. Figure three years per set - would make it thirty ish years? Yeah I'll probably be dead by then. My grand kids can have them. Or my Lawyer.
I was also given the back-room nod towards Android/Java development from The Boss. Gotta keep it on the down low, but that makes me ecstatic! I shall have to write up a "getting shit started" doc for everyone. Maybe buy a book on it.
I miss legal lunch.
I was also given the back-room nod towards Android/Java development from The Boss. Gotta keep it on the down low, but that makes me ecstatic! I shall have to write up a "getting shit started" doc for everyone. Maybe buy a book on it.
I miss legal lunch.