
You are currently viewing archive for February 2013

2013.02.26 (22:53): Twisting up Amazon's panties..

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
Amazon has 740 cds (well most are cds) on sale for $2.99.

I am stuck between:
- Jeff Buckley 'Grace',
- The Very Best of Frankie Valli & The 4 Seasons,
- Best of Depeche Mode,
- and 100 Must-Have Opera Highlights.

Take that meta data collecting algorithms!

2013.02.19 (14:17): Totes not begging..

Category: General
Posted by: modi123 is selling some books.. and a few of their collection books have just bad ass covers... so I decided to plead my case to woot to find out if there are posters of said covers and all I heard was a lone cricket chirping.

Being a bit on the proactive side I found the designers' blog/site and just wrote them a nice letter asking the question I know will be 'nope!'. Oh well. Gotta try. Now if they only had a Gatsby and a To Kill A Mockingbird cover I might just drive out to Cali and jack some proofs!

2013.02.11 (14:43): What? Tired? Who is this?

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
About an hour ago it hit me - the warm, fuzzy, comfort of being tired. It's been what - four days? Five possibility - that I had a night sans mild to moderate insomnia. I might go take a jaunt around the building.. grab some fabled green stuff.

2013.02.09 (03:51): Unexpected guests...

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
It was nice to see Cara again.. yes, Lawyer, she is back in town and doing fashion week. No she is not planning on tending a bar.. and yes she is staying in town. It's a secret.

2013.02.08 (11:52): Well that explains a few things..

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
Thank you Mr. Corticosteroid for keeping me up past when I should have passed out on only three hours of sleep... and making me a bit twitchy.. and generally happy... and a bit better multitasker..

I can't wait to be off this.

2013.02.07 (14:12): Not dead yet..

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
First round of new drugs in a few hours ago.. so far no adverse side effects.. no need for a giant adrenaline needle to the heart or an epipen to the sack.

2013.02.07 (04:23): Seriously?

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
I wake up at 3.15am to a swollen-ish tongue (my left hand side)... what.. the fuck. A bit of benadryl didn't help... yet.. maybe a time to visit Lakeside. Ugh.

2013.02.05 (15:20): Strep' a bitch..

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
After a super painful and fevered filled night it seems I have made it through... a little worse for the wear, but alive. I woke up to email work about my sick day... downed some 'tussin and crawled back into bed. About noon I surfaced and started plowing through symptoms and what not on webmd. Oh.. yeah.. so I am pretty sure it was strep and I started debating the usefulness of heading to the doctor's office.

A nice article from the mayo clinic pushed me over the edge of my... trepidations.. of heading into the medical-industrial complex. You know.. concerns about kidneys, Rheumatic fever, and scarlet fever all sort of made this a 'get this shit fixed'. I threw on my sandals and went off to the emergicare joint down the street. Greaaaaaat... I am breaking an fifteen-plus year streak of not being at a doctor's office.

The doc's office was an okay experience. The ladies were quite charming and made great conversation. Though it was a bit awkward when I explained I didn't have a primary physician and couldn't tell them the last time I was in the hospital/docs office. Oh, and when the blonde haired one came into confirm my strep she politely told me that "bitch'n" isn't a normal response.

With a 'script for penicillin I shuffled to the sad sad place that is 'walgreens'. Ugh.. it's like a zombie film if old people were the zombies. An annoying thirty minutes there I head home. Stellar.. the fucking medical community just latched on a grappling hook into my information, person, and future. Stupid strep.

In other fun news I found a new group for some low level techno beats: h.u.v.a. network.

2013.02.04 (22:48): Afraid.. very afraid...

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
Somewhere long this afternoon my body decided that all my warm gooey blood should be up in my head and cheeks... leaving my fingers/hands/arms/toes very cold. I battled through it (mildly painful when I swallow water, light headed, and ache-ish)... then it sort of subsided at home... so I flipped a coin to douse it with vodka. I am not sure if that was a wise choice.

Ugh.. I may have to ruin my sterling 'no days sick' policy tomorrow.