
You are currently viewing archive for June 2012

2012.06.29 (21:54): Fuckity fuck fuck fuck...

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
It seems great aunt Max has been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer that has spread to her liver. 9-12 months with treatment.. 3-6 without.. aaaaaaaaand of course she's going for the "without" bit.

Fuckity fuck fuck fuck.. aarrgg..

2012.06.27 (18:16): Egg on my face..

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
I was having a mild panic attack that my site was offline most of the day.. duh.. if you don't pay your bill (which I usually just get a yearly email) that happens. I'm stupid.

In other news I am up to 2000 hits this month. I noticed an uptick since March (450ish) then turned to April's 1000. I am thinking of blocking most, if not all, of China.

2012.06.26 (00:13): Serially?! W... T... F?

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
Really? Bossman makes an appearance for the first time in months and I hear Precious/Worthless OD'd two years ago?! What fucking hell is this?

Now I am renewed in my vigor to call up Deegermon and force the issue of hanging out or not.

2012.06.23 (15:12): Well what-da-ya-know..

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
It seems there was an apartment fire a building over from mine.. thankfully the complex decided to install emergency fire extinguishers in the recent last two months.

2012.06.21 (22:30): Shocked..

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
I'll be shocked in no one gets stabbed, slapped, starts crying because of hurt feelings, or starts screaming at each other before I am done with this wedding ceremony.

2012.06.15 (19:21): Idea..

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
I am driving home today and I am struck with an odd idea - I wonder how difficult it would be to start up a five or six session class on 'intro to programming' to vets with the VA.

I figure why not reach out to a broad base for skill dissemination?

It looks like MS might already be doing this..


2012.06.13 (10:20): *le sigh*

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
My suspicions that the previous owners were good on fluid maintenance, but bad on parts was confirmed. A host of small issues that, when their powers combine, become a large bill. Oh well.. I guess I didn't need to pay off ALL my student loans and a chunk of my car this quarter.. by Ragnarok or the Mayan calendar end for sure...

2012.06.12 (09:37): What grinds my gears...

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
After being late to work (not an issue - I really don't think a person noticed) I was thinking about this incident with my neighbor, TC. what annoys the hell out of me is no one besides Jeff (the building over) and myself responded to TC's yelling for help. When I was first out back trying to figure out what was going on plenty of people were walking around and no one seemed to even stop to look around. Ugh. I know I heard other neighbors up and moving inside their apartments... Seriously folks?

Note to self - do not collapse in my apartment complex.

2012.06.12 (08:07): That was odd..

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
About thirty minutes ago I was staring at my wall and heard, what I thought was my neighbors tv, making muffled yelling. It coalesced into "help me" and was coming outside. It seems my third floor neighbor TC was collapsed on the stairwell and in need of help. A quick check of him (not coherent and saying he cannot walk) and a call to 911 (I think the first one ever?), and the wait was on. I have no idea why he can't walk or collapse, and the paramedics were looking pretty annoyed they were not getting answers. Off they go in the ambulance, and now I am left with questions. Hopefully the guy's all right..

2012.06.11 (12:51): PHIL PLAIT: Welcome to science

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
PHIL PLAIT: Welcome to science

Fun comic on science.. save for later.

2012.06.07 (09:15): Around and around it goes..

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
Where my package stops no one knows!

So far we are at: Sorting Complete: June 07, 2012, 8:28 am

How or where they will deliver it is anyone's question. The office? Just on my un protected door step? Leave a note? Aargg!

I might jet home to get it if it was signed for..

2012.06.06 (11:26): Screw you Arlington, TX!

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
Damn you USPS! I have a package you said was estimated to be in today... which of course means I read that as "WILL TOTALLY, WITH OUT A SHRED OF DOUBT, BE HERE TODAY AND IN YOUR HOT LITTLE HANDS FOR YOU TO PLAY WITH!".. but no. Because Arlington, TX is a bunch of slow dingo jumpers it is reporting my package is estimated to be TOMORROW! It is practically NEVER going to get here!


Why must shit take so long to get here? Where are my matter compiler/matter assembler?! Fuuuuuuuuuuuudge.

2012.06.06 (10:40): Me: 1 - ants: 0

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
As with every summer season the "Battle for Dominance of the Crack" takes place between me and a colony of ants. Some years it's big black ants.. some it's small brown ants.. sometimes it's funny reddish medium ones that hiss and spit mulberry juice. Either way the typical pattern emerges.. it's gets wet or super humid.. they seek higher ground and swarm across my patio to the crack between the foundation and the patio. After a few days of industrious work clearing out the debris and dirt I get tired of it and prepare for a fight.

I happened to catch them before they were too far set in and was able to dust off my can of raid. The poor buggers didn't have a chance and when I got home it was an effective massacre of little corpses everywhere. Well, almost everywhere. There were two lone ants four or five feet apart wandering around. This is probably the point where I should have destroyed them as well before they find a plucky band of mismatched, but skilled, members and lay siege to me leading to my untimely demise.


Shit.. I should have done that instead of sweeping them off the patio with the rest of the debris.

2012.06.05 (09:32): Drive to work...

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
On my lazy drive to work this morning I caught myself wondering - What if I my mornings were truly more "pioneer/Oregon Trail"-ish and I had to travel through 'Indian Country' to get to work.. Perhaps being assailed down the street like Marty from Back to the Future part III...

2012.06.05 (01:24): A night of mystery..

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
A quiet evening getting to flesh out the dossier (which is French for dossier) on Gina... Also helped some young'ns at the gastation out by loaning them a buck. Hey-o karma!
Category: General
Posted by: modi123
Just a heads up - this blog, and subsequent site, have now been rolling for the better part of four years. Shit.. [

I really should get my hop-along in gear and rework this site as something drupal or wordpress-ish.

2012.06.04 (10:54): Urges...

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
I have had a large urge to pick up some dice and play a few rounds of D&D... ugh.. I hate when this happens... it's usually a disappointingly expensive itch to scratch as I pick up new rule books and sit around just reading them versus not being a lump and actually committing to a group to play consistently each week.