
You are currently viewing archive for November 2013

2013.11.28 (04:00): .. and yeh, so ith...

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
I spend an evening doing work, playing Alice 2, and get my drink on... then yeh, I walk through the valley of double-kay-hump-day, I drive a wayward drunk bartender/waitress home... aaaaaaaaaaaaand end up eating two rounds of Ramen, by myself, for the time.

I did meet a swell dog.

2013.11.22 (10:11): FFS - the panic swells..

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
Dad's wife calls me and leaves me a voice mail that only says "call me back as soon as possible" in a way too even voice. I listen to the message twice and call her back. Pops is out deer hunting and I wonder what fucking calamity went down? I mean it wasn't that long ago where he busted his foot up with that deer-stand accident and all. Was he in an accident? A wreck? Shot? Lost a bare knuckle brawl with a deer? Was ill? Injured? Aaaaawhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!

Nope.. just their house lost power last night and the furnace was out. She wanted to know if I could text Pops for a furnace repairman recommendation and he wasn't picking up his cell.. You know, because maybe (if he is in a dead spot) a text would work better.

*aaaaaaaaaand exhale*

Fucking a.
Category: Projects
Posted by: modi123

F' XNA.. time to get on board with Unity.. *AFTER* I get around to updating this site.
Category: General
Posted by: modi123
I didn't read the aggressive end date for this project too closely.. ugh.. It is becoming hard to give a rats patukus to finish it.. but only a few items left, off to testing, and then I get my phat check for a supped up surface pro 2 (versus the less than souped up version I was planning on getting).

Ugh.. gotta focus.. two more nights or bust!

2013.11.11 (15:41): Overly amusing..

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
I am way too overly amused about weaponizing my niece and nephew with foam swords... Waaaaaaaaaay too pleased with my bad-ass-uncle-self.

2013.11.03 (02:13): Maybe that was it..?

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
I seemed to have won the majority of the 'squares' for the college sports ball contest.. a few quarters and the final tally. Ten bones into one-sixty? Yeah..

2013.11.02 (15:04): Bleh.. odd deju vu..

Category: General
Posted by: modi123
I am plugging away at some side work and had a very eerie deju vu feeling.. I don't know why or if it is portents of things to come.
