2013.05.31 (16:22): Wow.. just.. wow.
I was in a meeting with BossDad, Bigger-er Division Boss, and this sales lady from another company. Standard webex and tons of bs buzzword bingo going on. As the webex was continuing it dawned on BossDad (and then us) that sales lady had 'glory hole' still showing in her google search bar from what ever she was doing befor the call. The whole time. An hour long call goes by. That about brought me to tears in laughter, but a few squeezed out with Bigger-er Boss decided to look that up on his phone. The look of shock and 'ewwwwww' was priceless.
Always.. always... clear your screen before doing a webex.
Always.. always... clear your screen before doing a webex.
2013.05.14 (15:22): So far a pretty stellar day.
After last night's invitation for being an honest to God Catholic church sanctioned Godfather I was pretty jazzed this morning.. well.. that was until big boss asked me if I had plans for lunch while boss dad was hovering behind him.. oh.. the alleged story was "we do this once a month with a member of the department".. pffsst.. yeah, right! Probz a'boot to totes get fired.
I cautiously lock my pc, grab my wallet, and head out with them. To, oddly, California Taco. A solid place.. shot the shit about boyscouts, video games, what I am working on, etc.. a bit better of a conversation than say when boss mom and boss dad took me out and I was super duper paranoid.
Either way a decent day so far!